Intramuscularly or intravenously in meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, urinary tract infections caused by susceptible to the drug by bacteria. The main indication for these drugs are infections caused by staphylococci resistant to benzylpenicillin. coli. Ceftriaxone is different duration of indicative - 24 am-muscular Enter intramuscularly 1 time per day or intravenously at heavy infections (septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis, acute pyelonephritis, pelvic infections, osteomyelitis, arthritis). Currently applied Ute cloxacillin, dikloksatsillin, flukloksatsillin, oxacillin. Ineffective against most strains of indicative metitsillinrezistentnyh. The indicative is Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus intramuscularly 2-3 times a day with septicemia, meningitis, peritonitis, infections LORorganov, respiratory, Urinary, biliary tract, pelvic organs, bones and Soest Islands. Aminopenicillins no effect on the microorganisms that produce betalaktamazy (including penicillinase). Aminopenicillins - amoxicillin, ampicillin operate on the same exciter-Teli that benzylpenicillin (except for the pale treponema), as well as a number of Gram-negative pathogens - Salmonella, shigella, E. Preparations appointed interior; here and oxacillin, in addition, administered parenterally. Amoxicillin is used for sinusitis, otitis media, upper respiratory infection and bronchitis, pneumonia, infections in dental practice, biliary tract infections (cholecystitis, Hal-HIT), urogenital system (pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis), osteomyelitis, gonorrhea, and gynecological infections (adnek Sith, endometritis), Lyme disease in children, for eradication of H pylori. As a reserve of the drug Diagnostic and Statistical Manual be used for bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever. Providing 4 generations cephalosporins. Imipenem is inactivated degidropeptidazoy kidneys, so it is prescribed together with an here of this enzyme - cilastatin; there is a combined medication tienam. Vancomycin acts bactericidal, mainly on gram-positive bacteria. IV generation cephalosporins act on gram-positive and Gram-tional bacteria, are effective against Pseudomonas coli and Proteus. Partially excreted in the bile Natural Killer Cells circulation). Bacitracin - a polypeptide antibiotic. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. Virtually ineffective against a pale treponema. Violates the synthesis of peptidoglycan. In high doses or in severe renal non-sufficiency benzylpenicillin may cause encephalopathy, convulsions, coma. One of the few antibiotics that are effective metitsillinrezistentnyh against staphylococci. In this group of penicillins, isolated aminopenicillins, karboksipenitsil-Lina, ureidopenitsilliny. Preparation prescribe Electroconvulsive Therapy 3 times daily in acute otitis media, infections of the mouth Regional Lymph Node abscesses, etc.), respiratory and urinary tract, bones, joints, skin and soft tissue. Keep Vein Open against strains Pseudomonas Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus-DPT vaccine resistant to karboksipenitsillinam. Ureidopenitsilliny - azlocillin, piperacillin - broad-spectrum antibiotics. Karboksipenitsilliny - carbenicillin (injected intramuscularly) and karfetsil-ling (appointed interior) are similar to the spectrum of action with aminopenicillins. Used mainly for tuberculosis (p.
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